SR 836/I-95 Interchange Improvements - Design Project Management
Client: Miami Dade Expressway Authority
Financial Project ID: 2516701-22-03
Project Description: SR 836 from NW 17th Avenue to the Midtown Interchange (SR 836/I-395/I-95)
Scope of Work: Developed conceptual plans and RFP, currently provided management and design support.
REI Responsibilities: Coordination, management and plans review for the MDX portion of the SR 836/I-395/I-95 interchange. The conceptual phase included the preparation of Design Exceptions and Variations, Typical Section Package, Request for Proposal (RFP) Documents, support in geometric design including horizontal and vertical geometry and preparation of conceptual plans, as well as coordination for Right-of-Way acquisition
NE and SW Ramp Connectors from SW 137th Avenue to SR 874
Client: Miami Dade Expressway
Financial Project ID: N/A
Project Description: Ramp Connectors
Scope of Work: Design & Conceptual Plans
REI Responsibilities: Ribbeck Engineering was in charge of the Design, Coordination, RFP and Conceptual Plans Production for roadway new construction of 2 Ramp Connectors from SW 128th Street to SR 874, as well as the reconstruction of SW 128th Street from SW 137th Avenue to SW 122nd Avenue in Miami-Dade County. The work includes the right-of-way acquisition of over 20 parcels within the project limits